The Hoover Institution’s PolicyEd initiative today introduced a new educational video series entitled Policy Briefs. Each episode not only explores issues related to civics, environment, economics, health care, and national security, but also features a succinct, easy to understand, and sharable policy explanation from a talk or presentation by a Hoover Institution fellow.
The Hoover Institution’s PolicyEd launcheda new video series, Policy Insights. Through succinct multi-media guide to important policy questions, readers will be provided with a one-stop shop that guides them through significant issues and points them in the direction of more Hoover Institution resources to help them further analyze and understand relevant policies.
The Hoover Institution’s PolicyEd initiative launched Examining America’s Exceptional Economy, a four-part video series featuring Edward Lazear, the Morris Arnold and Nona Jean Cox Senior Fellow. The series explores what has made America's economy successful, what sets it apart from other nations, and what needs to be done to continue its preeminence in the global economy.
The Hoover Institution today launched, an online platform that hosts videos and other educational content to equip Americans with knowledge and an analytical perspective about public policy issues. Based on the research of Hoover Institution scholars, the site offers solutions to today’s challenges in economics, health care, national security, civics, and the environment.
92nd Street Y, the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and Citizen University today announced the Ben Franklin Circles ( – a 21st-century community-building initiative inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s “club for mutual improvement,” launched more than 300 years ago. The initiative aims to bring people together to discuss 13 core virtues and how they can be catalysts for personal, social, and civic change.