Trillion-dollar subsidies from federal funding aim to accelerate clean energy, but removing red tape and enabling market-driven solutions might be an equally effective, cost-efficient path forward.
Teachers’ unions are powerful forces in American education that often influence school board elections and support candidates that prioritize union interests over student outcomes. Students deserve better.
Incomplete and inconsistent state education policies hinder the potential of America's gifted students, leading to lost human capital and widening excellence gaps, but state leaders can rectify this by implementing a comprehensive policy roadmap that ensures equitable, high-quality education for all advanced learners.
Replacing the antiquated way in which teachers are paid may hold the key to recovering from the devastating effects of school closures during COVID-related lockdowns.
Rather than imposing costly and ineffective regulations, the government should provide individuals the information to make their own choices, empowering people with personal knowledge to reach better outcomes than distant bureaucrats ever could.
The United States and its allies should work together to prevent China from using its commercial might and consumer markets to snare other countries into relationships of dependence and subservience.
US states and districts are rethinking school accountability, recognizing the need to focus on schools' capacity to fix their shortcomings in addition to traditional measures like academic standards and student assessments.
The gender pay gap can exist even among employees with the same role, seniority, and pay levels. Making schedules more predictable can help reduce the gap.
Many people support “Medicare for All,” but creating government-provided coverage for all Americans while attempting to lower health care costs would come with steep trade-offs.
Free trade is often maligned because some people are made worse off in the short run. But in the long run, almost everyone gains from removing restrictions on trade.
A 2019 experiment by Hoover Institution senior fellow Larry Diamond shows that Americans have not given up on democracy, but restoring faith in our system will require an intentional effort to engage with people who hold opposing viewpoints.
There is a growing movement for companies to put social responsibility before profits—but the best defense for workers comes from a healthy and competitive market.
Overcoming divisions within our nation begins with embracing the principles that help us achieve common ground, improve our country, and pass along our freedoms to the next generation.
The long-term effects of wage and price controls during World War II show us how policies that sound good in the short term can have bad long-term consequences.
Achieving a nuclear-free world starts with a joint effort from nuclear-capable countries to mitigate the factors that drive nations to possess these weapons.
The public option promises to lower health insurance premiums without increasing federal spending, but Congress has broken similar promises on many occasions.
Increasing the production of renewable energy to reduce carbon emissions is an admirable goal, but it will require rapid technological advancements and an expansion of existing low-carbon options such as nuclear power.
A Universal Basic Income would not only be prohibitively costly, but would produce massive redistributive effects that would hurt the elderly and poor.
New research shows that the difference in educational attainment between students from higher and lower socioeconomic backgrounds has not changed over the past 50 years.
Two of the most common objections to immigration in the United States are that more immigrants lead to more crime and more people on welfare, but a closer look reveals that these objections are misguided.
America’s political instability is occurring because of deep, ongoing economic and demographic structural changes that are causing existing voting blocs to regroup and reconsider which issues motivate them and which party they support.
As the world continues to shift toward low-carbon energy sources, a closer look makes it clear that nuclear power has to be included in order to reduce carbon emissions.
State and local governments all around the country have failed to set aside enough money to pay for the pensions they’ve promised to workers in the public sector.
Regulatory capture occurs when regulatory agencies become dominated by the industries they are charged with regulating, which harms consumers and stifles competition.
The administrative state is the collection of federal agencies, regulators, and rule makers that have become a powerful, unelected, and unaccountable part of the government.
In place of regulating prices, targeted subsidies can make health insurance more affordable for high-cost individuals without driving healthy people from the market
Deterrence is the ability to prevent an unwanted military action through the threat of consequences, and it is a crucial component of United States foreign policy.
Removing rules and regulations that prevent new companies from offering health care services is the first step to lowering costs, improving care, and expanding coverage.
The government is not allowed to restrict speech because it doesn’t have any competitors. Private groups, on the other hand, are allowed to do so because individuals have many other options available to them.
Increased energy efficiency has had a greater effect on America’s energy consumption than all the growth in solar, wind, geothermal, natural gas and nuclear energy combined.
Low Carbon Portfolio Standards are a more effective and affordable way to reduce carbon emissions because they expand the options utilities have to purchase low carbon electricity.
Rent control increases demand for controlled-units, but discourages landlords from expanding or entering the rental market, which decreases the supply of rental housing.
Policies governing the use of land within a community can make housing development costly and inconvenient, which can prevent new supply from matching an increase in demand.
Combing health savings accounts and high deductible insurance plans puts the patient in control of their healthcare choices, lowering costs and improving quality of care.