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Lessons From The Hoover Policy Boot Camp

The Hoover Institution Summer Policy Boot Camp is an intensive, one-week program exclusively available to college students, recent graduates, and young professionals on the economic, political, and social aspects of US public policy. Now anyone can access its incredible educational materials. This series brings the lessons of the boot camp to all, providing instruction on public policy approaching critically the formulation of public policy and its results.

Interested in attending the Hoover Institution Summer Policy Boot Camp? Click here for more information.


Financial regulations are designed to stabilize the economy, but could they be making banks riskier? Economist and Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Ross Levine explains how moral hazard, regulatory failures, and flawed banking structures create systemic risks — and what can be done to fix them.


In an age where authoritarian powers actively coordinate their aggression, the United States must develop specific and strategic plans of action to prevent conflict and restore credible deterrence and hard power.


Hoover Fellow, Abbas Milani, reveals how Iran's Islamic regime has strategically used terrorism as a core element of its ideology and foreign policy, from its revolutionary origins through its modern-day influence across the Middle East.


As China and Xi Jinping move closer towards reshaping the world order, the United States has an opportunity to redefine its relationship with China and preserve western values, international stability, and economic prosperity.


Steven Koonin reviews the state of climate science, focusing on data trends, climate models, and the uncertainties involved. He highlights issues with climate models, including their high sensitivity and inability to accurately reproduce historical temperature changes, cautioning against relying on inaccurate model projections.


Subjective language and climate activism embedded in environmental research may be fueling widespread climate anxiety and pessimism.


General Jim Mattis and Professor Stephen Kotkin emphasize the importance of strong alliancesto address threats from nations like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea while preserving American democratic values in an increasingly complex geopolitical landscape.


Under the guise of compassion and enlightenment, woke ideology threatens to corrupt Western society and destroy American culture.


Hoover Fellow, Jacquelyn Schneider, provides an overview to the evolution of US cybersecurity and places particular significance on developing strategies which can adapt over time to the ever-changing landscape of digital threats.


Former US Ambassador to South Africa and Hoover Fellow, Jandayi Frazer, analyzes the intensifying geopolitical competition between the United States and China for influence across Africa, emphasizing Africa’s growing global significance.


Senior Hoover Fellow, Scott Atlas, lays out how well-intentioned policies, such as Covid-related lockdowns and single-payer healthcare systems often have catastrophic unintended consequences…


Why aren’t most citizens politically engaged based on well-formed individual policy preferences but, psychologically influenced by roles like race and gender, make their political choices according to party and group membership?


Hoover Institution Senior Fellow, Russell Berman, discusses the complexities of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, balancing competing interests, regional stability, and the promotion of values in a challenging geopolitical landscape.


The terms used to define and shape our geopolitical landscape can be severely misleading and, by challenging these terms, understanding the historical context, and avoiding the temptation to become like our adversaries, we can better navigate the complexities of the modern world and make informed decisions about the future.


The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank served as a wake-up call for other financial institutions, regulators, and investors, highlighting the need for more robust risk management practices, more transparency, and greater need to proactively address vulnerabilities in the financial system.  Amit Seru, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, examines what factors led up to SVB’s failure and presents innovative short-term and long-term solutions to help stave off bank failures in the future.   


Senior Fellow, Eric Hanushek, reveals the staggering economic consequences of the learning losses as a result of the COVID-related lockdowns and policies, and proposes bold solutions to overcome the negative impact on students' future lifetime earnings and the U.S. economy.


Federal entitlement program spending has ballooned over the past 60 years and is the main driver behind the growth in size of the US federal government and federal debt and deficits.  This unsustainable fiscal path leads to a dead end of crushing tax increases, spiraling interest costs, glacially slow economic growth, and benefit restrictions.


Gen. H.R. McMaster provides an incisive look at how to develop strategic competence in policymaking by examining recent foreign policy failures stemming from flawed assumptions.  


Through a question-and-answer session, Professor John Yoo discusses recent United States Supreme Court opinions that have impacted our understanding of natural rights. 


A thorough examination of fiscal federalism reveals the ongoing effort to determine the optimal distribution of power and revenue across state, local, and federal levels of government.


Common misconceptions about the rise of income and wealth inequality are exposed and reveal a far more complex reality. 


What does the evidence on campaign donors in the US political system tell us?  


Condoleezza Rice explores the history of great-power rivalry and what it means for Russia, China, and future conflicts.


Hoover senior fellow Scott Atlas provides a critical analysis of the measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic and reviews their effects.


Hoover senior fellow Brandice Canes-Wrone explores how well policy is representative of America and what influences policy choices.


Glenn Loury explores the intricacies of racial relations and why inequalities persist despite tremendous improvement.


Hoover senior fellow Niall Ferguson explains the difference between free and unfree societies, and how the history of the 20th century is often misapplied to situations today.


Hoover Fellow Jacquelyn Schneider explains the importance of having a cyber strategy in national security, emphasizing the need to establish priorities, goals, and boundaries with our adversaries.


Terry Moe analyzes the effectiveness, history, and politics of school vouchers.


Condoleezza Rice explores the history of great-power rivalry and what it means for the war in Ukraine.


Hoover senior fellow Russell Berman delves into the process of foreign policy formulation and draws from his own experiences in developing foreign policy in the Middle East.


Hoover senior fellow Joshua Rauh investigates the extent of the government’s involvement in the economy and its appropriate level of participation.


Hoover senior fellow Elizabeth Economy provides her perspective on Xi Jinping’s global ambitions and how likely he is to succeed in reaching them.


Hoover senior fellow H. R. McMaster investigates the nature of war and the importance of clear strategies and goals in limiting its destructive effects.


Hoover senior fellow John Cochrane explains the fiscal and monetary theories of inflation, how they differ, and why there might be a better solution for inflation.


Hoover fellow Kiron Skinner explores how globalism, globalization, and nationalism relate to American politics.


Hoover senior fellow Scott Atlas provides a critical analysis of the measures taken during the COVID-19 pandemic and reviews the resulting effects.


John Cochrane studies the Federal Reserve’s ever-growing role and its effects on the financial system.


Elizabeth Economy identifies and explains the essential elements of devising and implementing an effective foreign policy and national security strategy toward China.


Jacquelyn Schneider traces the history of US cyber strategy since 2011, explores the roles and responsibilities of major federal agencies, and investigates the links between wider US foreign and domestic policy goals.


Modern challenges to the international system are affecting US responses to its great-power rivals. Condoleezza Rice unpacks the challenges that global hotspots pose to American and international security.


Caroline Hoxby discusses how to expand college opportunities for low-income, high-achieving students.


H. R. McMaster answers questions about national security from students and explains how important principles of national security apply to the withdrawal from Afghanistan.


Amit Seru provides an overview of the financial regulations and challenges facing the banking sector.


David Leal explains how the Latino segment of the US electorate fits into the political landscape.


What effect does technological change have on the labor market?


Peter Berkowitz discusses the differences between two economic systems: socialism and capitalism.


John Yoo discusses the Supreme Court, its history, and its power.


Stephen Haber discusses the US economy and the role intellectual property rights play in increasing prosperity.


Michael Boskin discusses the American economy, its growth, and the impact that fiscal spending has on our standard of living.


Michael McConnell discusses the history of the Bill of Rights.


Although climate change poses a serious threat, fearmongering about its effects distracts us from finding affordable and effective energy alternatives.


H. R. McMaster discusses how America’s strategic competence has evolved over time and how to regain a robust national security strategy.


Niall Ferguson discusses the history of globalism, nationalism in America, and how populism is shaping the American political landscape. 


The liberal international order established after World War II is facing new challenges. Condoleezza Rice discusses modern threats to the international system and how policy makers are responding. 


Long-run fiscal problems in federal government are due entirely to entitlement programs. Their continued growth is imposing a large cost on society by slowing down the economy and limiting improvements to standards of living. In order to control these costs, we need bipartisan reform that preserves the values of entitlement programs while making them sustainable and affordable.


State and local governments are not setting aside nearly enough money to pay for the pensions they have promised to their workers. As a result, taxpayers will have to make up any shortfalls in the form of higher taxes or fewer public services.


The health care system in the United States is the best in the world when it comes to quality and access to medical care.


Free market environmentalism is a property rights-oriented approach that improves environmental quality and achieves more conservation than traditional regulation.


A discussion from one of only two Americans to have held four different federal cabinet posts, George P. Shultz addresses climate change, reducing the nuclear weapons stockpile, and encouraging the political class to act in a more civil manner.


Federal policy on spending, tariffs, and immigration influence the labor force and long-term investment in the economy.

Nuclear energy deserves to continue in its role as a crucial component of our low-carbon, national energy policy.

Central banks are independent organizations that determine how much money circulates in the economy. It is essential to understand how and why they work.