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America's Exceptional Economy Discussion

Discuss American Exceptionalism

How can we sustain America's exceptionalism?


limit government growth by restoring the rule of law - expose democracy as an enemy of liberty; cut taxes, spending and regulations, follow NAP

Freedom and excetionalism go hand and hand. We need freedom from unnecessary government regulation, freedom from excessive taxes, freedom from government enforced monopolies, and the freedom to fail.

There are a number of government programs that redistribute money. They need to be streamlined to be more effective and more transparent. Government enforced redistribution of money is never an entirely good thing in my book. However, if it is going to be done, is should be done efficiently.

The concept that certain benefits can only be obtained if there is not a responsible man in the house has greatly hurt the poor. It has split up families and has led to generational poverty. It needs to be changed.

Healthcare reorganization to a market in which decisions and the pricing of goods and services are guided solely by the aggregate interactions of individual citizens and businesses with little government intervention or central planning. Education and housing to follow.

01. Make Socialism/Communism illegal.
02. Arrest or expel from the US anybody claiming allegiance to Socialism/Communism.
03. Reduce the size of Government on all levels Federal, State and Local to a bare minimum.
04. Establish term limits for politicians and judges.
