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Key Takeaways

Constitutional Safeguards Against Socialism
A Promise of Protection
After the ratification of the Constitution, the First Congress passed the Bill of Rights in order to add protections for basic natural rights.
The First Protection
The Bill of Rights includes two of the most basic protections for individuals. The first is the freedom of conscience and communication: the ability of all people to think for themselves, say what they believe publicly, and attempt to persuade others.
The Second Protection
The second is the set of protections geared toward protecting life, liberty, and property. They stipulate that no one can be deprived of their rights without a fair trial and due process before the law.
A Moderating Influence
The US Constitution divides power among three branches at the national level, fifty states, and thousands of municipalities, with authority further divided among police, militia, and the military. The Constitution’s checks and balances make it difficult for anyone, whatever their ideology, to achieve rapid and transformative change. Instead, the system gives the American people time to reflect on whether the proposed changes are really desirable.