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Renewing Indigenous Economies Project

Native Americans prospered for thousands of years before Europeans arrived. Today they are America’s poorest minority.

The stark economic disparities that exist between indigenous peoples and the rest of American society stem directly from policies imposed by the federal government, which has denied secure property rights, clearly defined jurisdictions, and effective governance structures. To revive their economies, indigenous peoples are restoring the dynamic customs, culture, and dignity that existed before colonization.

The Hoover Project on Renewing Indigenous Economies conducts research to inform and promote policies that empower Native Americans to regain control over their lives and resources.

Native Americans innovated and prospered for thousands of years before Europeans arrived.


Colonial-era policies and paternalistic attitudes continue to restrict economic activity on reservations.


As tribal leaders rebuild their nations and renew their economies, it is time to liberate Native Americans from federal oversight.


Hear from members of Native communities who are working to renew indigenous economies.


Explore the Reservation Freedom Economic Index (REFI), which measures economic freedom on Indian reservations across America. Economic freedom is an important factor in driving growth, innovation, and economic mobility. The REFI can greatly help tribal governments as they respond to problems plaguing many reservations.
