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National Security

Inspired to Serve. Sworn to Uphold.

Through the ideals and principles enshrined in the preamble to the United States Constitution, eight dedicated service members share what inspired them to serve their country. Drawing from their distinct backgrounds and experiences, each service member offers a unique perspective on the values that unite us as Americans. These personal stories underscore the profound and positive impact that service to others – whether to family, community, or country – can have.


Through the ideals and principles enshrined in the preamble to the United States Constitution, eight dedicated service members share what inspired them to serve their country. Drawing from their distinct backgrounds and experiences, each service member offers a unique perspective on the values that unite us as Americans. These personal stories underscore the profound and positive impact that service to others – whether to family, community, or country – can have.


Lieutenant Colonel Vinny Nguyen reflects on his family’s escape from war-torn Vietnam and shares his own personal story as a United States Army officer and father, providing a truly personal perspective to our country’s perhaps most famous phrase, “We the People of the United States.”


The phrase "in Order to form a more perfect Union" acknowledges that perfection is unattainable, yet it highlights the power of strong communities to foster personal growth, especially in the face of adversity, exemplified by Lt. Col. Alphanso Adams, who overcame the unexpected death of his father through the strength and support of his community, forging his own path and forming his own strong communities – more perfect unions – as an officer and family man.


Justice is the bedrock upon which American democratic society rests, ensuring equality under the law. Special Agent Nick Shenkin recounts his family’s escape from injustice and oppression, and what led to his active commitment as a member of the FBI to provide justice for all Americans.


Without internal peace and order – domestic tranquility – other American principles and ideals like justice, liberty, and equality remain out of reach. Commander K.R. Reinhold of the U.S. Coast Guard shares his journey from marine scientist to military service with the mission to vigilantly insure domestic tranquility and safeguard the American way of life.


To provide for the common defence underscores the role we, as Americans, have in protecting and preserving the values, integrity, and sovereignty of the United States. Lt. Col. Tom Kulisz of the United States Marine Corps provides a personal perspective on what it means to take the oath as a service member sworn to uphold the Constitution and the principles it stands for.


Promoting the general welfare means to look beyond our individual self-interests and consider the well-being of others. Lt. Col. Matthew Lintker of the United States Space Force shares his journey of service, from his rural hometown to his country, embodying what it means to “promote the general welfare.”


To “secure the blessings of liberty” reminds us that liberty is a human right, but one that must be continuously won through dedication and sacrifice. Foreign Service Officer David Arulanantham’s background and experience reflects this understanding through his escape from his war-torn home of Sri Lanka to his role as an American diplomat dedicated to securing liberty here at home and expanding liberty abroad.


To transform the ideas and ideals laid forth in the United States Constitution into a reality requires tremendous shared and generational effort. Whether in his personal life or military career, Col. Patrick Biggs of the United States Army has continually sought to establish and re-establish those principles, and guarantee that they are more than aspirations – that they remain the American way of life.