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Secure the Blessings of Liberty


Published June 5, 2024

The blessings of liberty in the United States are not gifts, nor do they come easily. They must be actively secured through ceaseless effort and sacrifice for the present and future generations. Foreign Service Officer, David Arulanantham, understands this as well as anyone. Having escaped his war-torn home of Sri-Lanka during a tumultuous civil war and having spent nearly twenty years working for the US State Dept to secure liberty at home and expand liberty abroad, FSO Arulantham personifies the Founding Fathers’ commitment and ongoing mission to “secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.”

Learn More about our National Security Affairs Fellows (NSAFs) and Hoover's National Security Affairs Fellows Program:

  • Read FSO David Arulanantham's bio here.
  • Learn more about Hoover's 2024 NSAF Class here.
  • Click here to learn more about The Robert and Marion Oster National Security Affairs Fellows (NSAF) Program at the Hoover Institution. 


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