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The Human Prosperity Project Discussion

Constitutional Safeguards Against Socialism

How do socialist revolutions jeopardize the rights ensured in the Bill of Rights?


In the last century, we experienced a few revolutions which rejected freedom of speech where the people in power seemed to claim to speak for the people. These leaders would speak in words to guide the people away from expressing their thoughts and follow their vision. Many aspects of the Bill of Rights provide for freedom of speech. The right to choose for oneself, the right to follow one now dreams, though, a person's way of life, whom you chose to love.

By removing rights to self defense and eliminating gun rights, all other rights are left unprotected.

Mao stated that all power flows from the barrel of a gun , the Bolsheviks thought so , we Americans thought so and rebelled violently against Britain. That said do we really want violence as a legitimate expression. Socialism installs its own brand of violence to achieve its ends and when settled insures repression by taking individual rights and property from individuals and all is subordinated to the state. The idea in a democracy is to make your case to the general public through elections and to register your discontent through the same process.
