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Strategic Empathy: The Foundation for Understanding Threats to American Security and Prosperity

Strategic Empathy: An understanding that ideology, emotions, and aspirations drive and constrain the actions of other countries. 

Strategic Narcissism: The tendency to define problems as we would like them to be and only in relation to ourselves. Strategic narcissism assumes that others have no aspirations or agency except in reaction to US policies and actions. It leads a country to pursue strategies that are based on what it prefers to do rather than what the situation demands.

Taliban: The current governing body in Afghanistan. In areas of Afghanistan under Taliban control, Afghan citizens (especially women) have faced brutal treatment. In 1996, the Taliban seized the Afghan capital of Kabul and set up a government based on radical ideals. From 1996 to 2001, the Taliban controlled most of Afghanistan. US involvement after the 9/11 attacks led to the overthrow of the Taliban government. Upon the withdrawal of American support for the Afghan government, the Taliban reasserted control over Afghanistan.
