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An Endless Summer: How COVID Has Reversed Academic Achievement

“Estimates of Learning Loss in the 2019–2020 School Year” from the Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO)

“Since March 2020, a common scene has played out in millions of homes in the United States: parents have looked over the shoulders of their children as they pursue remote learning and have been flabbergasted by what they see. There is no dispute that the coronavirus pandemic slammed educators and policy makers with a herculean task of pivoting from classroom-based instruction to other modalities. At the same time, there is no dispute that the amount and quality of learning that has occurred since school buildings were closed has been deeply inferior. The only open question has been: how bad is it? 

“This briefing presents estimates of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on student learning loss for the 2019–2020 school year. The Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO) at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University calculated the magnitude of student-level learning losses on behalf of nineteen our state education agency research partners. They are presented here at the state level to offer a comparative view of not only the size of the losses but the range of losses within each state.”

Click here to read the full report.
