Yes would like to see some solutions to regulatory capture?
Oct 15, 2018
Marsha D Baker
Government needs to provide enough seats at the regulatory table to create as clear a picture as possible. No pork; no wooing by big industry lobbyists. Input should be solicited from experts with backgrounds in industry, trade associations and academia. Experts should not be the CEOs and marketing representatives. They should be mid-level scientists, without political affiliations. A sub-committee should be appointed to study how other international agencies are approaching the same regulatory issues. Public comments should be sought for possible conflicts and unintended consequences.
There should be a blackout period of at least 10 years before a political office holder is able to bring industry issues before regulatory committees as lobbyists.
Yes would like to see some solutions to regulatory capture?
Government needs to provide enough seats at the regulatory table to create as clear a picture as possible. No pork; no wooing by big industry lobbyists. Input should be solicited from experts with backgrounds in industry, trade associations and academia. Experts should not be the CEOs and marketing representatives. They should be mid-level scientists, without political affiliations. A sub-committee should be appointed to study how other international agencies are approaching the same regulatory issues. Public comments should be sought for possible conflicts and unintended consequences.
There should be a blackout period of at least 10 years before a political office holder is able to bring industry issues before regulatory committees as lobbyists.