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At the Intersection of Race and Gender: Historical Progress & Current Challenges


Published May 15, 2024

In politics, race and ethnicity have a significant impact on people’s political views and their electoral choices, affecting differences in partisanship and attitudes towards individual policies. Surprisingly, in sharp contrast, gender has a comparatively small impact on political divide and public opinion. Psychological factors, life circumstances, and institutional barriers, however, do have an impact on gender-specific political participation and representation. Elizabeth Elder helps to understand these complex ways that these crucial group identities shape the American political landscape.

Check Out More on Elections:

  • Watch "The Partisan Myth: How Voting Laws Actually Affect Election Results" with Justin Grimmer here.
  • Watch "By Constitutional Design: The Electoral College" from John Yoo here.
  • Watch "Ranked-Choice Voting: Capturing Voter Preferences" from David Brady here.

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